
Albion Patriotic has a strong economy that can be hard to jumpstart. There’s no question that it can make a lot of coin. Also, Albion Patriotic has power for days. But how do you get your economy going and your… Continue Reading…


Unfortunately, this posting is very late. However; multi-tournament winner FOMOF has this great video of the gameplay of the final match, and as late as it may be, the benefits gained from observing the strategy are of great benefit. Check… Continue Reading…


Oh Albion Mechanical … the struggle is real. This strategy was quite difficult to work out. A lot of props given to Digital Edition player Nevic for giving me a place to start with and vetting this strategy out. It’s… Continue Reading…


The 2020 Autumn Scythe Tournament is upon us! There’s still a couple days to sign up if you’re interested, so before reading on, head on over to the SIGN UP and get yourself involved! To date, two decently big tournaments… Continue Reading…


Welcome to the Polania Innovative strategy! If you like Polania, this player mat combination and strategy will be a ton of fun. With the Innovative mat, Polania gets so much flexibility to really make the most of their Meander faction… Continue Reading…

StrategyTable Talk

For this Table Talk we have with us Mr. Der! He’s a fantastic strategist and excellent Scythe player. If you’ve read any strategies on The Daily Scythe, chances are he helped develop and/or streamline them. For this session, we talked… Continue Reading…

Objective CardsStrategy

We all know Objective Cards are part of the game of Scythe, but do we understand their importance? I have to admit, my first year of owning the tabletop version of Scythe, Objectives were just a side note. In all… Continue Reading…

Nordic KingdomsPatrioticStrategy

The Northmen rise again with our Nordic Patriotic strategy. A very robust faction meets an equally robust player mat, and the synergy between them makes for a strong game. Some of the big bonuses I discovered in this strategy were… Continue Reading…


Welcome to our strategy for Albion Agricultural! With this one, we broke a lot of our own preconceived notions about what’s best for Albion. As such, there’s a lot more focus on movement and less on mechs, but we wrapped… Continue Reading…


Hear ye, hear ye, the Rusviet Mechanical strategy is here! I was able to get my games with it down to 14 Rounds consistently. As such, I figured I’d post a play through. Now, 14 Rounds isn’t a guarantee. With… Continue Reading…


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